Reading Pictures with Struggling Readers

Reading Pictures with Struggling Readers

Using images to build reading comprehension.


Images add more information to the vocabulary word because they refer to what the word actually is.

Teaching your child how to read is a marathon. You might be feeling overwhelmed at times or even at ease. Whatever the case, it is important to keep pushing and believing that your child will attain the skills to be a successful literate individual. Visuals brought an added feature to the conversation and uplifted stories when I was teaching. The use of imagery can be a critical asset when breaking down complex topics.

Ultimatly, we live in a visual world, and integrating visual literacy skills can assist your struggling reader to read. Think about all of the people who use visuals in their lives: Deaf or Hard of Hearing, painters, photographers, software developers, UI/UX professionals, and so many more. Images support these individuals everyday. So when you are transitioning from books with many images to a few, think about how you can continue utilizing images to make your reader blossom.

I am sharing information from this study ,Avgernou & Petterson (2011), Toward a Cohesive Theory of Visual Literacythey describe visually literacy as: Visual Perception, Visual Language, Visual Learning, Visual Thinking, and Visual Communication.


Images are produced from the artist’s perception. So a visual reader needs to learn how to describe, explain, and provide evidence for their thinking. The intent on teaching visual literacy is to use vocabulary, awareness about the image, and connections to the world around them.

Planning Theory into Practice

Start by being comfortable and using materials that interest your reader.

For example if your reader enjoys comic books then agree to read 1:1.

  • For every comic book, then the other book has to be an academic text. This way you can see how your child is applying their knowledge from their personal books.

With visual literacy it is key that your reader acquires this skill so that they can interpret visuals on other places. Visuals come from the artist’s perspective, their culture, and even intent. Remember to keep this in mind as well.

1. Visual Perception

Prior experiences and image context support visual perception.

  • Tell me what you think about____?
  • What does the caption on the text say to support this image?
  • What is the image (video or image) telling you?

2. Visual Language

Visual language is about explaining the meaning and having a clear understanding about what they see.

  • Explain what you understand about this image?
  • Detail the lines, colors, or graphics
  • How do the colors affect the images?

3. Visual Learning & Visual Communication connected

Visual Learning is where a reader is motivated to interact with images. They communicate with images.

  • How are the scenes and characters interacting?
  • How is the time period portraying????
  • How do the illustrations relate to the text?
  • What themes are being constructed as you read?
  • Can you show me???

4. Visual Thinking

Linked with visual thinking. Visual thinking includes more image specific vocabulary.

  • Do the images make you change your mind?
  • How are images framed?
  • What are the elements that make this image critical?
  • Vocabulary: foreground, background, contrasts, lighting, borders, size, scale?

You can find more in Reading the Visual: An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy (Language and Literacy Series) 







Teen Stories: Booklist Inspired by Jerri Craft’s Graphic Novel “New Kid”

Teen Stories: Booklist Inspired by Jerri Craft’s Graphic Novel “New Kid”

“New Kid” by Jerry Craft is a graphic novel that shares the drama and experiences of Seventh Grader Jordan Banks. Banks lives in a New York neighborhood. He lives amongst Black youth and enjoys his time with them. When it is time to get back to school, his parents surprise him into enrolling into a private school. This school is in a different neighborhood, and Jordan is even escorted by a wealthy classmate in their limo. As a Black teen, Banks had to adjust to the expectations of his school where his school had predominantly white students. 

He experienced bias, discrimination, and prejudice amongst his peers and teachers. Right away, he just did not fit in with students nor classmates. His teacher said that saying the word “Dawg” is not nice and that he is a human being. Whenever he challenged his teacher, she never saw his side. 

What Jordan realized was that this school required him to play in his first organized school sport. This experience gave him a new experience and insight about his school culture. Over time his attitudes remain the same and some change. This graphic novel visually shares the joys and constraints that this teen lives of living in two different worlds. 

1. New Kid, by Jerry Craft

Below are additional books where teens have to manage transitions, friendships, and self-discovery. 

2. blended, by Sharon M. Draper


3. Twins, by Varian Johnson
A Graphic Novel

4. The Usual Suspects, by Maurice Broaddus

5. Public School Superhero by James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts
A Graphic Novel

6. Genesis Begins Again, Alicia D. Williams

7. Ghetto Cowboy, by G_Neri
Illustrated by Jesse Joshua Watson

8. For Black Girls Like Me, by Mariama J. Lockington

9. Middle School, The WORST Years of My Life,
by James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts
A Graphic Novel

10. The Long Ride by Marina Budhos

How to Teach A 4th Grader to Read a Picture

How to Teach A 4th Grader to Read a Picture

A lesson on how to read a picture with a 4th grader. 

Reading images might be complicated, but using real world examples and discussions makes it easier to read images. 

A parent, N.J., provided a visual-literacy lesson with her daughter in December 2020. In her original social media post, she wrote:  “My daughter and I are studying Frida Kahlo as a well as imagery and symbolism (mainly using poetry.) One of her activities today will be to visit the Museo Frida Kahlo and survey some of her paintings via Google’s Arts and Culture link. “



You can find her lesson connected to the common core standard-enhance her daughter’s reading comprehension and visual literacy. This visual Common Core Standard indicates CCSS. ELA-Literacy.CCCRA.R7, “Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.”

Implementing a visual literacy standard indicates that you are viewing lines, colors, objects, patterns, animations, interactions, and more. The viewer is searching for cues to better understand what they are viewing.

Literacy Ideas states, “We can think of visual literacy as involving the similar processes of interpreting images and creating images. In a fast-moving world, with ever-increasing diagnosis of attention deficit disorders, we increasingly rely on images to quickly convey meaning.”

Reading images has a place for reading, comprehending, and understanding. When a young person reads a text with many pictures, you can use that time to-ask questions about the images, relate images to the real world, show examples, and build a conversation about what you see.


Below you can view more about N.J’s lesson at home.



We started reading a book about Friday. I asked opened ended type questions “What Do You Think?”


As we progressed, the book discussed the names of her paintings and the concept of surrealism. As an observation/art activity I printed one of work and asked, “What do you think she was feeling?” or “What makes you think…” “How does the color in the background make you feel that?” (Many of Kahlo’s paintings Hancock vibrant backgrounds.)

On a notecard, I asked her to write what she thinks each object represents. Later we discussed why.


We transitioned a bit into Shel Silverstein, Maya Angelou and Nikki Grimes. We focused on illustrations and poem titles to predict what the poem was discussing or how the author was trying to communicate the point of you.

I allowed her to visit a museum and eventually select a painting to observe.


N.J’s at home activities allowed her daughter to think about the words and images. As you are at home with your children, what is working well in your home?

Black History Facts about Civil Rights Leaders

Black History Facts about Civil Rights Leaders

As we look into celebrating Martin Luther King’s holiday, we should remember the individuals who fought alongside him to bring African Americans justice, equality, jobs, freedom, and so much more. Unknown organizers, freedom riders, activists, and marchers participated. Notably though, A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, Fannie Lou Hamer, and “Bob” Moses, are a select few of the individuals who were leaders in different ways during the Civil Rights era. The selfless efforts of these leaders and Martin Luther King,  earned African Americans freedom in the 1970s.

Learn more about each individual below.

1. Asa Philip Randolph (1889-1979)

Born in Crescent City, FL. Moved to NYC at 22 years old. 1915 Randolph started a political magazine called The Messenger which challenged labor policies, politics, black leadership, the war, and more. Randolph wanted to shift the narrative for laborers. So in 1925, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, a union for Black railroad car workers, formed. Randolph’s work did not come easy, he was arrested, saw lynchings, and was born 24 years after the Civil War Ended. He influenced President Roosevelt to pass an Executive Order banning discrimination. By 1963, worked with Bayard Rustin to serve as a director for the March on Washington.

A Philip Randolph, Labor Leader Here

Rising from the Rails: Pullman Porters and the Rising of the Black Middle Class

2. Bayard Rustin (1910-1987)

Born in West Chester, PA. As a young person wrote poetry, played sports, and even sit-ins. 1936, Rustin joined the Young Communist League, but left early on. Worked closely with A. Philip Randolph to march for jobs and freedom to the U.S. government. Rustin was sadly beaten by Tennessee police for refusing to get off of a bus in 1942. 1947 spent 22 days on CHAIN GANG, and published his experience. He was active to end racial injustice in India, South Africa, and even advised Martin Luther King. Rustin stood for gay rights because he identified as a gay man during his lifetime.

We Are One, The Story of Bayard 

Troublemaker for Justice


Leaders Like Us: Bayard Rustiin

3. Fannie Lou Hamer (1917-1977)

Born in Mississippi. At six years old, Hamer worked in the cotton fields. Early on, her father was a successful land owner but angry white citizens poisoned the animals. 1962, Hamer and 17 others rented a bus to register to vote. Hamer’s group was denied to register and arrested. Hamer worked as a sharecropper as an adult, and because she tried to vote, she was fired. 1963, Hamer and SNCC started voter education training sessions. Group was arrested and Hamer had permanent kidney damage. 1964, Hamer formed Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party challenging delegation of all-white members. Hamer was a voice for the oppressed, and was unafraid to use it for change.

Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer

 Brave Black First: 50+ African American Women Who Changed the World

4. Robert Parris Moses (1935- )

Born in New York City and earned a master’s degree from Harvard in 1957. Was a high school math teacher for a short period of time. 1964, organized the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project recruiting northern college students to increase Black voter registration. Moses worked with Hamer on the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and attended the Democratic National Convention in 1964. Moses believed that local people must develop their own leadership rather than depend on civil rights leaders. Moses is co-author of the book Radical Equations-Civil Rights from Mississippi to the Algebra Project. Moses started “The Algebra Project to improve the math skills of young people.

Books About Peace

Books About Peace

Our nation is in turmoil and we need to think about the wonderful things that we have. Below is a list of books that builds discussions on acceptance, acts of kindness, gratitude, togetherness, mindfulness, and overcoming challenges for peace. We have listed books for PreK-5th grade readers about Peace. 

Pre-K-2nd Grade

1. Can You Say Peace? By Karen Katz


A picture where you can see the lives of children living in India, Africa, America, and other parts of the world. You learn what the word peace sounds in different countries. You can have a rich discussion on what peace sounds like and looks like in different countries.

2. We Share One World, by Jane E. Hoffelt

Beautiful images demonstrating the environment and lifestyles of children living in different parts of the world. Images are illustrated  to find the beauty in everyone’s community. Book is written to demonstrate how we are all connected on the planet.

3. I Am Human, by Susan Verde
A Book of Empathy

A book of affirmations about a little boy. “I find joy in friendships.” “I am a Human.”

4. Peace is an Offering, by Annette LeBox

Sharing experiences on what peace looks like. Peace can be showing gratitude, caring for insects, words one uses, and even caring for others. Many people want peace, but the author and illustrator simplify those experiences showing that peace occurs through someone’s actions and experiences.

5. All Are Welcome Here, by Alexandra Penfold

Children at school are playing during recess, in the cafeteria, in their own classroom and other parts of their school. The pictures support the message detailing “All are welcome here.” Children are from different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and physical appearances. The message is clear that no matter who you are and where you are from, you are welcome.

6. The Seed of Compassion by 14th Dalai Lam

“There are many simple ways to bring more happiness to this world.” The 14th Dalai Lam shares how he was chosen into his role and the teachings that his mother taught him. This story is for children to apply lessons on their own lives. He teaches that you must protect and nurture your seed (mind).

3rd-5th Grade

7. Grandpa Stops A War, by Susan Robeson

Paul Robeson was an actor, athlete, singer, and activist, April 9, 1898 – January 23, 1976. He was a man who stood over 6 feet tall. Robeson was unafraid to speak against white supremacy. This story demonstrates Robeson’s ability to use his gifts to change the hearts and minds of people living in turmoil. During the Spanish Civil War, Robeson traveled to Spain and visited men on the battlegrounds. On the mike, he sang and soldiers stopped fighting to hear the sound of Robeson. Robeson lived during complicated times, and believed that artists had the responsibility to speak about injustices. He used his gifts to do that.

8. Hiawatha and the Peacemaker, by Robbie Robertson

A rich narrative about an American Indian named Hiawatha. He sought revenge because  an evil Chief desecrated his home and killed his family. One morning,  a spiritual man traveled across the land carried a message called “The Great Law.” He changed the heart of Hiawatha, and he agreed to journey alongside him. Hiawatha spoke this message for the Peacemaker connecting different Nations so that tribes could form peace. Each time they visited different tribes, others joined. Hiawatha proclaimed, “Together we paddled as [one] nation.” On their visit to the evil warriors tribe, Tadodaho, the Peacemaker sought healing over darkness. So he healed Tadodaho’s body, and Five Nations were formed.

9. A Bowl Full of Peace, by Caren Selson

Story based on a true experience where a Japanese family lived before their city of Nagasaki was bombed. Before the war, food was abundant, and families gathered around Grandmother’s bowl. When war struck, food was scarce but Grandmother’s bowl still offered food to warm the family’s heart. When Nagasaki was struck, millions perished. However members  of Sachiko’s family survived and used Grandmother’s bowl to eat ice chips. Unfortunately due to radiation, Sachiko’s family members died. However, the bowl now was used to remember what happened. Despite the hardship, Grandmother’s bowl is a reminder of the times of prosperity, famine, war, and reconciliation. Sachiko tells her story to restore peace.

10. Seeds of Change by Jen Cullerton Johnson

Wangari is taught to enjoy the delicious fruits in her Kenyan Village. Wangari is a part of the Kikuyu people. During Wangari’s childhood, many girls did not attend school. However, her parents gathered the money to enroll her. When it was time for Wangari to attend secondary school, she had to leave the village and attend school in the city. Her family told her to remember the mugumo tree and to protect it. Wangari loved science and studied photosynthesis. She ended up migrating to the states to further her studies. After graduation, Wangari went back to Kenya to do something for her village. Villagers laughed at her for empowering women to work and educate themselves. However, Wangari did not stop calling her work the “Green Belt Movement.” Wangari’s movement threatened a corporation so she was jailed. Luckily her supporters on the outside fought for her freedom. Wangari eventually became a minister of the environment and continued planting trees.

11. Girl Rising: Changing the World One Girl at a Time by Tanya Lee Stone

A book about young women across the world. These girls are speaking out, protesting, and fighting for the rights to give other girls an equitable future. The author and photographers documented their stories in person to show how they live. These girls have inspiring stories that are pushing to challenge the tremendous challenges in their communities. If any of these girls solve problems, peace and hope can impact our future.